Street Smarts

Test Your “Street Smarts” IQ: Do you… Jog or walk by yourself early in the morning or late at night when the streets are quiet and deserted? Stuff your purse …

Neighbors look for. . .

Screaming or shouting for help. Someone looking into windows of houses or parked cars. Unusual noises. Property being taken out of houses or buildings where no one is at home, …

What is suspicious?

Anything that seems even slightly “out of place” or is occurring at an unusual time of day or night could be criminal activity. The following are some obvious things to …

Safety Awareness in a Vehicle

•    Ensure that your vehicle is in a good condition when you plan to go on a journey. •    Ensure that the fuel tank of your vehicle always has sufficient …


Step or extension ladders should not be left outside the house unless secured to an anchor point with a chain and padlock. Ladders left insecure in an open garage will …

Test your alarm regularly

Test your alarm regularly, once a week if possible. Make sure your armed response service provider receives closing, opening, alarm and panic signals. Confirm it telephonically. Have the alarm set …

Leaving your home

When you leave your home it’s important to ensure you leave it as secure as possible. Getting into an ‘exit routine’ can help ensure that you don’t forget obvious, but …