1.Your own home security facilities could be ineffective. Criminals generally take about 2 minutes to go into a house. They come with cars and tools. They break in mostly at early evening hours (people are relaxed and house is not secured) and early mornings when people are sleeping very deep.
a.Electrical fence – criminals have many ways of bypassing the electrical fence; electrical fence is the weakest link; another weak item is the roof.
b.Beams proved to be very effective recently, its an unseen barrier.
c.Alarm system – to keep alarm effective have also infrared sensors in the roof.
d.Burglar bars – when you make them stronger, also think about how to get out of your house in case of a fire.
e.Strong entry doors also help; improve your doors; inside “slam-lock” doors are also effective.
f.Cameras – do not stop anybody to break in; they just show /record.
2.Do all you can that will help to delay the break in. You could put up a lot of security measures to delay as much as possible; also make sure that there is somebody to call /rescue you when something do happen.
3.Test your alarm/ fence at least two times per month; when alarm goes off/on, your alarm response people should come to check; ask them to do that.
4.Another big weakness is the front sliding gate: most wheels have a track; the criminal only needs to lift 1-2cm to open the gate; check also your gear depth of your gate; to improve the gate make sure they cannot lift the gate. A rod & hole helps at the closing end.
5.When criminals come from the street, they usually have a car waiting for them, therefore secure your perimeter – with beams and a proper gate. Secure your perimeter also in the early evening while at home.
6.Criminals may also enter via neighboring yards; when they come , they come in numbers; don’t go outside when you see them or hear something. Stay inside!
7.Dogs: best is to have dogs that bark; they can wake you up; a dog that does not show aggression is a problem when you need help. A small dog inside the house also proves to be effective.
8.Shooting: using that as a self- defense method, you should be careful; you should be familiar with the law.
9.Talk to your people/ family in your house about safety and about robbery situations and when they happen, what you should do; have emergency numbers with big numbers where everyone can see them.
10.Have clear signs/ house numbers outside for direction.
11.Talk to your neighbors about if something should happen around/ within your houses , what they should do.
12.Be aware of your environment; when you wake up, 1st listen, smell, look around, find things that are changed; use darkness to your advantage and familiarize yourself with your environment.
13.Have a fire extinguisher, and know how to use it.
14.Have a proper First Aid Kit, and know how to use it.
15.Have a torch next to your bed, in case of fire.
16.As a NHW member, it is important to understand what are you doing and why; the neighbor is normally the 1st person on the scene and able to help you.
17.Social media: do not post any random information on social media, especially if it is not confirmed; same for WhatsApp, use it wisely.