Membership to PPNHW is free but all donations will be gladly accepted. PPNHW is a voluntary non profit organisation, however there are numerous costs that are incurred in setting up and running an initiative such as this. We have great plans for the neighbourhood and need your assistance in achieving these. We especially appeal to those people who are unable to donate their time to consider a financial donation. If you are able to make a donation this would be greatly appreciated. Please contact us should you have any questions regarding donations or funding.

Donations can be made via a month Debit Order (Click here for the Debit Order Form) or it can be paid directly using the following account details:

Bank: First National Bank
Branch: Old Power Station
Branch code: 281 174
Account number: 622 5384 3984
Account Type: Cheque/Current
Name of account: Pioneerspark Neighbourhood Watch
Ref: Company name/Home address/Donor’s name (voluntary)
Proof of payment to be sent to

Thank you to the following sponsors for your involvement.

engen     puma